November 2019 President’s Report

President’s Report November 2019

This will be my last president’s report and I’m at the end of my elected term as KYPCA president. I would truly like to thank the membership for allowing me to head up this amazing group of people and this outstanding Club. It has been a true honor and privilege. I don’t plan on going anywhere and I still will be involved with helping grow our numbers and assist in events in the future. I recall when I joined 22 years ago, there were only 65 members. Today there are 314 primary and 173 affiliate members which is 487 members, wow…. Just in the past two years alone, we’ve acquired 89 members and 2019 isn’t over yet.

Before I go too far, a bit of an important issue for KYPCA, which needs your attention. On the website, lists the newly revised By-laws. Your Executive Committee has approved them and now it is up for review by the membership. We will be calling for a membership vote on approving these new By-laws as written on or before the 2020 February meeting. Please take the time to review them. Your approval vote is very important.

As you know 2019 is our 60th anniversary of the Kentucky Region of PCA. We have received notifications from PCA National acknowledging our accomplishment. Also, we just received a letter from Porsche North America extending congratulation on our PCA history, loyalty to the cars and the name brand.

I wonder sometime on how we can keep our momentum going when only 20% of the membership are truly active. Is there something missing, are we not doing the things you guys want to do and see. I ask the question; how can we get more members to be active in the club. Truly the 80% can’t just want the magazine and a sticker. I challenge the active 20% to get the 80% more involved in our club events. Be creative and come up with ways to make this happen. Remember this is your Club, make it what you want. Don’t just leave it up to the officers to put things together. We’ve been doing it for a long time and truly we’re running out of ideas. We can really use you help.

2020 opens up a new decade with opportunities for KYPCA events. Our important events like our two DE’s and monthly meetings are your corner stones. But that leaves many other things we can do from February through December. I know I personally will be heading up the 2nd annual Tail of the Dragon Tour in early August and the 18th Huber’s Winery Drive in early October. Get with our Activities Chair and say what you would like to do. Better yet, you plan something. We’ll help you pull it off.

In closing, I want the thank the 2019 officers for this help and guidance. Thanks to Randy Biery and the entire Bluegrass Porsche group for their support. We are truly blessed to have Bluegrass Porsche involvement in KYPCA. And to the KYPCA membership for your involvement in making this one of the best PCA Region’s in the country.

Happy Holidays and a Healthy Happy New Year.
Your 2019 President, Steve McCombs

September 2019 President’s Report

President’s Report September 2019

Well it’s been a long time since I wrote a president’s report. I guess I wasn’t sure if anyone was reading them. Plus I believe a president report should be about the important things about the club and its activities.

I would like to start out with a request of the membership. It is that time of the year to establish 2020 Officers of the club. I’m requesting everyone to think hard and be excited to become an officer of this wonderful organization. New and fresh ideas have been the foundation of this group and has made it what it is today. Please consider running for an office to which all offices are open. Our secretary Robert Klein (email: will be the nomination chair and will gather all prospects for consideration and place those names on the website to be viewed. Election will be held at the December membership meeting. This year electronic voting via email will be accepted as well as in person.

This has been an exciting year for events , drives, and our DE. The events like the After Christmas party, the annual Wine and Steak party, Pool party and Bourbon tasting party. There were two Tech Sessions with some outstanding Shops, Bluegrass Porsche and Stuttgard Specialists. One of the best parts of KYPCA is the outstanding Drives. Activity chairs T.H. Morris and Edward Hessel have worked endlessly to put together really fun events, along with two new overnight adventure trips to Athens, OH and Blue Ridge/Tail of the Dragon tour. All have been huge successes. And lastly, the best DE weekends of any PCA club in the USA. BlueGrass Porsche and Randy Biery have been fantastic partners and without them these DE’s would not be the monster success they have become. All have been wonderful, exciting , educational and fun for all who attended. In my opinion the monthly club meeting has been a huge part of the social camaraderie of this club and is the center point of why KYPCA continues to grow. Our membership has seen a huge growth over the past 18 months and these are the reasons why. With help and involvement from each of our members we will continue seeing this kind of growth.

Please remember, this is your club. All of you are an important member with ideas and a shared interest in Porsche Automobiles. Your involvement is vital to the health and vitality of KYPCA. Please be involved, if you have not been, we need you. Jump in, show up, get into to it and I assure you, you’ll have fun and it will truly be worth your time and effort. The year is not over, there are still plenty of things to do and or put together. Volunteer. Run something it’s not difficult and doesn’t require a lot of time. Speak Up, I’m waiting…..

Thanks everyone for letting me be your club’s president this year. It’s a great honor to be involved and become friends with all of you.

Steve McCombs (2019 KYPCA president)

March 2019 President’s Report

Hey everyone sorry for being late and missing last month’s president notes. I have been busy with being a part of the Werks Reunion and Festival of Speed in Amelia Island Florida. And soooo had the Club, with planning this year’s events. T.H. Morris and Edward Hessel our activity chairs have planned a fun and exciting event schedule. Check it out on our web sight and on Facebook. We have completed three events already and Spring is only a week old. Wow, pick the event you would like to attend and put it on your calendar and plan on being there. And don’t forget to plan on attending one or both of our DE events. Even if you don’t want to drive in the event. Just come up to Putnam Raceway Park and join in the fun.

I just got back from the PCA Zone 13 presidents meeting in Chicago. The National Club is doing well. With 83,482 primary members (a 4.8 % growth) 45,877 co-members (3.15% growth) with a total of 129,359 members nationwide which includes Canada. Another interesting statistic compiled by PCA National is the number of Porsche vehicles in The Kentucky Region area vs the number of KYPCA members at the end of 2018. Number of total Kentucky vehicles registered is 2,085 and the number of PCA members cars are 310. Primary membership market share is only 15%. Which mean we have major room for growth. That also compares the number of sports cars at 27% with the number of 4-Door Porsches at 38%. Looks like we truly need to get our 4-Door friends involved some how some way. Any suggestion??

The National web sight is being updated to be more user friendly. And I suggest that all members establish a log-in account on the National web page. There’s a ton of information there for the asking. One new item which has been implemented is SIM Racing supported by I Racing, started on March 23rd. Each race will be streamed live on every Friday afternoon check the web page for details.

National will also be making available 4:1 for all SUV owners/Panamera 4-door cars a monthly e-newsletter. It is available to sign up for this service at

Thanks for reading my report. The April meeting will be at Joe’s Older that Dirt in Lyndon. Come for the social gathering at 6:30, meeting starts at 7.

Please drink responsibly.

Steve McCombs, 2019 KYPCA president

January 2019 President’s Report

The Kentucky Region Porsche Club of America wishes each and everyone of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and we are looking forward to a fun and exciting 2019. I would like to briefly introduce myself, I’m Steve McCombs the new 2019 KYPCA President. I have been a member for 20 years and have served as president seven other times over the years. And, I’m grateful for your vote and support in granting this 8th term. It’s especially important to me, since 2019 is KYPCA’s 60th year anniversary. I think a party or something special is called for, what do you think?

I would truly like to thank, Jason Miller, for his strong support and efforts as our past president. And I look forward to his help and insight as part of the Executive Committee in this coming year. I would also like to thank the other officers Past and present, Jeremy Miller VP, Richard Darnell Treasure, Robert Klein Secretary, Anthony Minstein Membership Chair, T.H. Morris Activity Chair, Edward Hessel Tour/Drive Chair, Chuck Hicks Chief DE Driving instructor, Dan Stewart, Mark Lichtefeld DE class room instructor, Gene Hoffman Board Member, past Board Member Jim Doll, new Board Member Mark Bos, Bobby Baily Web Master, and Debra Pollock our Southern KYPCA rep. I think I got them all. With the support and involvement of these individuals our Club will continue to improve and be one of the best PCA clubs period.

We will soon have the 2019 Events schedule put together with some new things, which includes the events that have made this Club. Our DE events, the monthly meetings, the dinner wine and bourbon parties, and the DRIVES. We are also grateful to have the continued support of Blue Grass Motorsports Porsche and Randy Biery.

As a reminder, this is your Club, your ideas and events counts. All we ask is for you to step up and join in the fun. Because without you all the work that goes into planning these events will turn out pail in comparison to having lots of members involved. If there is something you would like to see us do that we aren’t or haven’t done, let us know. Or even better, sign up to run an event. I assure you they will come and we’ll all have fun.

**We’re rescheduling the Tech Session at Blue Grass Motorsports for Saturday February 23rd at 10am.**

The February Club Meeting will be held at Famous Dave’s BBQ – 8605 Citadel Way off of South Hurstbourne Pkwy.

There’s always a social gathering before the meeting starting at 6:30pm with the Club Meeting officially starting at 7:00pm.

Steve McCombs

December 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report December 2018

Jason Miller – KY Region President

The Holidays are here, and with them comes my last President’s Report, at least for now. As I wrap up my third 2-year term as President, I thank each and every one of you for making our club what it is. Holly, Grace, and I love our KYPCA family. The friendships we have created will last a lifetime and extend well beyond the cars. We have every intention of staying involved. Besides, who else is going to take all of those spectacular photos.

I want to personally thank each of my fellow officers, board members, and Presidential appointees for leading the club with enthusiasm and passion. From our first-class DE’s to the many exhilarating drives, we work hard to provide something for everyone.

2019 brings back a familiar face. Steve McCombs will step back into the Presidential role. Steve has worked tirelessly over the years to lead our club and I have no doubt he will continue to do so.

Our December meeting will be Monday, December 10 at Fiesta Time Amigos. The meeting starts at 7pm.

Mark your calendars and don’t forget to RSVP for the After Holiday Party Saturday, January 26, 2019. Look for your postcard invitation and e-mail notice soon.

Lastly, if you are not receiving club e-mails please send me your updated e-mail address.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,


November 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report November 2018

Jason Miller – KY Region President


Saturday, October 6th marked the fourth annual German Festival and Bourbon Tasting at the beautiful home of Steve and Bernadette Doolin. This is my favorite event of the year. The weather was perfect and brought out some new faces to join in the fun. It was a nice relaxing outdoor evening with great friends, good food, bourbon, and live music. Jim Beam Black won the night. Place this event on your 2019 calendar, tentatively the first Saturday in October. Thank you Steve and Bernie for another wonderful night!


November brings Officer elections. If you cannot attend the November membership meeting you can vote via e-mail. You should have received one e-mail and will receive a second reminder as the date nears. If you are planning to attend the meeting please do not submit an e-mail vote.


SAVE THE DATE – our 2018 Holiday Hangover Party will be Saturday, January 26, 2019. Details will follow as things come together.


Lastly, as we prepare the 2019 calendar, suggestions for our monthly membership meetings and other club related activities are appreciated.  Preferred meeting location criteria include:  a FREE meeting room, good parking for the Porsche, and quality affordable food.  Please e-mail me:


Our November meeting will be Monday, November 12th at Rooster’s, 10430 Shelbyville Rd.  The meeting starts at 7pm.

October 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report October 2018

Jason Miller – KY Region President


Can you say WET!! It never stopped raining. Yes, it rained for 3 straight days. But, as they say in Hollywood, “the show must go on.” And with that, KYPCA and Blue Grass Porsche put on another great DE weekend. Our September Fall Fastival, while wet, was still successful.


September 7-9 we once again took over Putnam Park for our Fall Fastival DE. The weather was dreadful. For all of that attended, thank you. For those of you that actually took to the track, great job. And, don’t worry, on a dry track that black Macan S, driven by Chase Abell, can’t pass you that many times. Chase was wheeling in the wet. He’s coming for you John Lewis.


A great big thank you to Randy Biery and the Blue Grass Porsche staff for their continued support without which these DE’s would not be possible. PCNA Hot Shoes John Lewis and Cass Whitehead were again on hand the entire weekend providing on track instruction and ride-alongs. Who knew they’d be chasing a Macan.


Thank you to our instructors. There is no question our instructor crew is the best. And, as always, special thanks to Jeremy Miller, Mark Bos, Richard Darnell, Mark Lichtefeld, Chuck Hicks, Dan Stewart, T.H Morris, and Gene & Peggy Hoffman.


Start planning for the June 2019 DE. Stay tuned for future updates.


Now bring on October. We will once again join 2 other Porsche Regions October 6 for our Annual Huber’s Drive. Later, on the same evening, Steve and Bernadette Doolin will be hosting their 4th Annual German Festival and bourbon tasting.


A reminder: Officer elections will occur in November.


Our October meeting will be Monday, October 8 at Martin’s Bar-B-Que.  The meeting starts at 7pm. Officer nominations will be held.

September 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report September 2018
Jason Miller – KY Region President

Gone to the track……

The Fall Fastival DE is here – September 7, 8, 9 at Putnam Park.

Upcoming events:

– Sept 7-9 Fall Fastival DE
– Oct 6 4th Annual German Festival and Bourbon Tasting
– Oct 6 Huber’s Drive
– Oct 8 Membership Meeting – Martin’s Bar-B-Que

Our September meeting will be Monday, September 10 at El Tarasco St. Matthews: 110 Fairfax Ave. The meeting starts at 7pm, but many arrive as early as 6:30.

It is election time. If you are interested in holding an office in our club, we will be taking nominations and beginning the election process. All offices are open.

See you at the track!

August 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report August 2018
Jason Miller – KY Region President

Club participation has been great this driving season. Our touring numbers have grown each event. Thank you to all who have participated!

Registration for the fall DE, Fall Fastival, opened Friday, July 27th. Don’t miss out! Our DE’s are second to none. Even if you’re not driving, come hang out and see what it is all about.

Upcoming events:

– Aug 10         Ghiradelli Ice Cream Run
– Aug 13         Monthly Membership Meeting – Roosters: 10430 Shelbyville Rd
– Aug 25         Minstein Pool Party
– Sept 7-9       Fall Fastival DE
– Oct 6            4th Annual German Festival and Bourbon Tasting
– Oct TBD      Huber’s Drive

Our August meeting will be Monday, August 13th at Roosters. The meeting starts at 7pm, but many arrive as early as 6:30.

July 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report July 2018
Jason Miller – KY Region President

Summer Heat 2018 is a wrap. And once again, the first of our two yearly DE’s, brought success and excitement. If you have yet to participate either as a driver or simply as a spectator, what are you waiting for? Our September Fall Fastival is calling your name.

This year’s June DE brought with it a new element. June 8 signified 70 years to the day that the very first Porsche sports car, 356 “No. 1,” was registered for road use, marking the beginning of a long line of iconic high-performance automobiles. The inaugural “Sportscar Together Day” was officially June 8 but ran throughout the weekend. On Saturday June 9 we celebrated not only with cake and ice cream, but with organized, Porsche only, low speed, parade laps on track. It truly was a site to see and a spectacular moment as we commemorated all things Porsche.

A HUGE thank you to Randy Biery and the Blue Grass Porsche staff for their continued support, without which these DE’s would not be possible. PCNA Hot Shoes John Lewis and Cass Whitehead have become mainstays at our events and were again on hand the entire weekend providing on track instruction and rides in the brand-new Porsche Panamera 4 Sport Turismo and Cayman 718 GTS. Cass and John you make it look so easy and are great guys too!

Thanks must also be given to the many club members who continually invest their time to plan, run, and instruct. The weekend saw KYPCA complete our first independent Instructor Certification program, graduating 15 new driving instructors. Our classroom instructor Mark Lichtefeld did a tremendous job. Special thanks go out to Jeremy Miller, Mark Bos, Richard Darnell, Mark Lichtefeld, Chuck Hicks, Dan Stewart, Anthony Minstein, and Gene and Peggy Hoffman.

And, to all our Instructors and Mentors, THANK YOU!!

Mark your calendars now for our next DE, the Fall Fastival, September 7, 8, 9.

Upcoming events:

– July 7 Louisville Bats Vs Toledo Mud Hens
– July 14 Jim Beam Distillery Tour
– July 21 Keeneland Concours d’Elegance
– July 27 Polly’s Freeze – Act 2 (because it is that good!)
– Aug 10 Ghiradelli Ice Cream Run
– Aug 25 Minstein Pool Party
– Sept 7-9 Fall Fastival DE

Our July meeting will be Monday, July 9 at the home of Jim and Bobbie. The meeting starts at 7pm. Bring a chair. Dinner and drinks will be provided. Check your e-mail for details, including address.