November 2019 President’s Report

President’s Report November 2019

This will be my last president’s report and I’m at the end of my elected term as KYPCA president. I would truly like to thank the membership for allowing me to head up this amazing group of people and this outstanding Club. It has been a true honor and privilege. I don’t plan on going anywhere and I still will be involved with helping grow our numbers and assist in events in the future. I recall when I joined 22 years ago, there were only 65 members. Today there are 314 primary and 173 affiliate members which is 487 members, wow…. Just in the past two years alone, we’ve acquired 89 members and 2019 isn’t over yet.

Before I go too far, a bit of an important issue for KYPCA, which needs your attention. On the website, lists the newly revised By-laws. Your Executive Committee has approved them and now it is up for review by the membership. We will be calling for a membership vote on approving these new By-laws as written on or before the 2020 February meeting. Please take the time to review them. Your approval vote is very important.

As you know 2019 is our 60th anniversary of the Kentucky Region of PCA. We have received notifications from PCA National acknowledging our accomplishment. Also, we just received a letter from Porsche North America extending congratulation on our PCA history, loyalty to the cars and the name brand.

I wonder sometime on how we can keep our momentum going when only 20% of the membership are truly active. Is there something missing, are we not doing the things you guys want to do and see. I ask the question; how can we get more members to be active in the club. Truly the 80% can’t just want the magazine and a sticker. I challenge the active 20% to get the 80% more involved in our club events. Be creative and come up with ways to make this happen. Remember this is your Club, make it what you want. Don’t just leave it up to the officers to put things together. We’ve been doing it for a long time and truly we’re running out of ideas. We can really use you help.

2020 opens up a new decade with opportunities for KYPCA events. Our important events like our two DE’s and monthly meetings are your corner stones. But that leaves many other things we can do from February through December. I know I personally will be heading up the 2nd annual Tail of the Dragon Tour in early August and the 18th Huber’s Winery Drive in early October. Get with our Activities Chair and say what you would like to do. Better yet, you plan something. We’ll help you pull it off.

In closing, I want the thank the 2019 officers for this help and guidance. Thanks to Randy Biery and the entire Bluegrass Porsche group for their support. We are truly blessed to have Bluegrass Porsche involvement in KYPCA. And to the KYPCA membership for your involvement in making this one of the best PCA Region’s in the country.

Happy Holidays and a Healthy Happy New Year.
Your 2019 President, Steve McCombs