From the Zone April 2018

It’s amazing how quickly the year goes by. It’s hard to believe April is here and the driving season is about to begin in Zone 13. The year has gotten off to a busy start. The annual Winter Board Meeting was held in Baltimore, MD. The highlight of the weekend was the dinner held Saturday night at the newly expanded offices of the National Headquarters. Vu Nguyen, PCA Executive Director has done a wonderful job as General Contractor overseeing the buildout of the new office space. With the added space, Vu has had the ability to display many of the fascinating Porsche memorabilia that has been donated to and collected by the Club. I highly recommend that if you are in the area, you take the time to visit the offices. The National Staff are wonderful. Please be sure to thank them for the work they do for us.

One of the items coming out of the Board meeting and then voted on and approved on the Board Member phone call, was the approval of a set aside of $200,000 for the development of a new webpage. Anyone who has been to our current site at knows that it is not the most intuitive site to explore. The new front end will be geared towards the non-member to show off the Club and invite them to join the Club.

Another meeting was the annual Zone 13 President’s Meeting. This meeting was help in Chicago this year. It was attended by the following Presidents:

Patrick Meyer – Bluegrass Region
Neil MacDonald – Chicago Region
Charles Holstein – Central Wisconsin Region
Todd Benz – Fox Valley Region
Marcus Lucas – Lincoln Trail Region
Tony Quebbemann – Milwaukee Region
Jeff Jackson – Southern Indiana Region

Attending on behalf of Kentucky Region was Steve McComb who is a Past President of the Region. He was a welcome addition to the discussions. The weekend kicked off with a group dinner on Friday night for those who cared to attend. It was followed on Saturday by a full day of presentations and discussions. In addition to the Presidents in attendance, Cindy Jacisin, National Secretary, attended on behalf of the Executive Council. Cindy provided updates to the 20/20 Program and led the discussions on insurance and risk management. These two programs protect the Club and the club members. Without insurance, the Club could not put on the activities that it does. A strong risk management program helps contain the cost of insurance premiums. We must all take it risk management seriously. So, if you put on an event, please complete the Post Event Forms. If you are participating in an event and are asked to complete an Observer’s Report, please do it promptly and honestly.

In addition to Cindy’s presentations, we also heard from Robert Gutjahr and Amber Door of the National Policy Committee. We also heard from Greg Halverson, National Driving Tour Chair. Greg discussed the Driving Tour Minimum standards that became effective at the beginning of the year. Bob and Amber discussed the need for a review of each regions by-laws and stressed the importance of following the by-laws as written. In order to aid the regions in the updating of their by-laws, the Policy Committee has updated the by-laws template.

2018 Parade Registration is open and so far there are 108 entries from Zone 13. It’s not too late to sign up if you want to come. Parade is being held at Tan-tar-a Resort in Lake of the Ozarks, MO. With so many people attending from within the Zone, groups may want to caravan to Parade. Informal caravan groups, not sponsored by the Region, will not have the advantage of national insurance coverage. Formal caravans officially sponsored by your region are considered a tour and must adhere to the Tour minimum standards. Insurance needs to be applied for and waivers signed. Compliance with all of the other items outlined in the standards must be followed.

Don’t forget Zone 13 is on Facebook and our website is almost ready to go public. Many thanks to Julie Dallak Woods of Bluegrass Region for her work on the Webpage. Please join the Facebook Group for PCA Zone 13 to stay up to date on happenings in the Zone.

Here’s looking forward to a great and safe year!

Jack Stephensen
Zone 13 Representative

From the Zone January 2018

From the Zone!

It’s hard to believe that my first year as Zone Rep has passed. It was great fun traveling around the Zone and getting to meet so many friendly and passionate members. I welcome 2018 and all the new experiences the year will bring.

I cannot begin to look forward to the New Year without thanking the Presidents who give some much of their time with the goal of making their Regions successful. Four of those Presidents have completed their terms and will be moving into their roles as Past Presidents. Please help me in thanking them for their continued commitment to their regions. They are Ken Hold, from Bluegrass, Chuck LaMantia from Chicago, Brendon Schellpfeffer, from Central Wisconsin, and Scott Klueh from Southern Indian Region. Thank you for your continued support of your regions and the dedication you showed to your members. I am sure you will continue to be valuable assets to your replacements and your region!

With that said, please help me welcome the new presidents! They are Patrick Meyer from Bluegrass, Neil MacDonald from Chicago, Charles Holstein from Central Wisconsin and Jeff Jackson from Southern Indiana. Thank you gentlemen for stepping up to take the helm of your regions. We all look forward to working with you to continue to build your regions and to make membership in your regions a rewarding experience for all.

I am happy to report that the membership numbers continued on a positive path over the past year. The Zone added 226 Primary Members and 86 Co-Members across the 8 regions making up the Zone. This brings total membership to 3,660 Members and 2,213 Co-Members. We must continue to provide our members with great events geared toward the many different interests that the club supports.

Speaking of membership, we had three members last year reach the milestone anniversary of 50 years in the Club. They were Rod Gustafson of Chicago Region, Robert Hindman of Chicago Region and Daniel Pankratz of Fox Valley Region. This year we have three more people reaching their 50th anniversary. They are William Moses of Chicago Region, Elliot Papermaster of Milwaukee Region, and Ronald Tanton of Chicago Region. Congratulations to all!

Speaking of anniversaries, Chicago Region just completed their 60th year.  The Bluegrass Region will celebrate their 15th Year and Lincoln Trail will be celebrating their 55th Birthday in 2018.

As I sit here looking outside at the snow on the ground and the thermometer showing below zero temperatures, it’s hard to think about driving events. However, it is not too early to start making plans to attend this year’s Parade. It is being held at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, MO. This is within a day’s drive for most of the Zone. The dates for the event are July 8th to the 14th. If you are unable to make it for the full week, then come for part of the week. Housing signup will be taking place the end of January into the beginning of February. So, it is not too early to begin to make plans for this event.

Also coming up in February is the Winter Board Meeting. The Board Meeting is being held on February 10, 2018. For those wishing to attend, it is being held at The Hotel at Arundel Preserve
located at 7795 Arundel Mills Boulevard, Hanover, MD 21076.

Here’s looking forward to a Happy and Healthy New Year for all!
Jack Stephensen

From the Zone Winter 2017

From the Zone!

The end of the year is upon us! It is time to say thanks to those who have served the club and for the job they have done. I know several regions have new presidents taking over. It is time to send a note to those who have finished their terms thanking them for the jobs they have done for their regions and welcome their replacements. It takes many volunteers to make this club successful. There are many other positions that are just as important to the club as the President. Let’s take a moment to say thanks to all those other volunteers who spend their time and talents on the club so we can enjoy our cars. Read more

From the Zone Summer 2017

From the Zone! Wow, the summer is moving way to fast. Many of your regions events are already completed. I hope everyone is having a fun year enjoying their cars and their club.  Now that Parade is over, I thought I would pass along some of the happenings of the year so far.