September 2019 President’s Report
President’s Report September 2019
Well it’s been a long time since I wrote a president’s report. I guess I wasn’t sure if anyone was reading them. Plus I believe a president report should be about the important things about the club and its activities.
I would like to start out with a request of the membership. It is that time of the year to establish 2020 Officers of the club. I’m requesting everyone to think hard and be excited to become an officer of this wonderful organization. New and fresh ideas have been the foundation of this group and has made it what it is today. Please consider running for an office to which all offices are open. Our secretary Robert Klein (email: will be the nomination chair and will gather all prospects for consideration and place those names on the website to be viewed. Election will be held at the December membership meeting. This year electronic voting via email will be accepted as well as in person.
This has been an exciting year for events , drives, and our DE. The events like the After Christmas party, the annual Wine and Steak party, Pool party and Bourbon tasting party. There were two Tech Sessions with some outstanding Shops, Bluegrass Porsche and Stuttgard Specialists. One of the best parts of KYPCA is the outstanding Drives. Activity chairs T.H. Morris and Edward Hessel have worked endlessly to put together really fun events, along with two new overnight adventure trips to Athens, OH and Blue Ridge/Tail of the Dragon tour. All have been huge successes. And lastly, the best DE weekends of any PCA club in the USA. BlueGrass Porsche and Randy Biery have been fantastic partners and without them these DE’s would not be the monster success they have become. All have been wonderful, exciting , educational and fun for all who attended. In my opinion the monthly club meeting has been a huge part of the social camaraderie of this club and is the center point of why KYPCA continues to grow. Our membership has seen a huge growth over the past 18 months and these are the reasons why. With help and involvement from each of our members we will continue seeing this kind of growth.
Please remember, this is your club. All of you are an important member with ideas and a shared interest in Porsche Automobiles. Your involvement is vital to the health and vitality of KYPCA. Please be involved, if you have not been, we need you. Jump in, show up, get into to it and I assure you, you’ll have fun and it will truly be worth your time and effort. The year is not over, there are still plenty of things to do and or put together. Volunteer. Run something it’s not difficult and doesn’t require a lot of time. Speak Up, I’m waiting…..
Thanks everyone for letting me be your club’s president this year. It’s a great honor to be involved and become friends with all of you.
Steve McCombs (2019 KYPCA president)