October 2018 President’s Report
President’s Report October 2018
Jason Miller – KY Region President
Can you say WET!! It never stopped raining. Yes, it rained for 3 straight days. But, as they say in Hollywood, “the show must go on.” And with that, KYPCA and Blue Grass Porsche put on another great DE weekend. Our September Fall Fastival, while wet, was still successful.
September 7-9 we once again took over Putnam Park for our Fall Fastival DE. The weather was dreadful. For all of that attended, thank you. For those of you that actually took to the track, great job. And, don’t worry, on a dry track that black Macan S, driven by Chase Abell, can’t pass you that many times. Chase was wheeling in the wet. He’s coming for you John Lewis.
A great big thank you to Randy Biery and the Blue Grass Porsche staff for their continued support without which these DE’s would not be possible. PCNA Hot Shoes John Lewis and Cass Whitehead were again on hand the entire weekend providing on track instruction and ride-alongs. Who knew they’d be chasing a Macan.
Thank you to our instructors. There is no question our instructor crew is the best. And, as always, special thanks to Jeremy Miller, Mark Bos, Richard Darnell, Mark Lichtefeld, Chuck Hicks, Dan Stewart, T.H Morris, and Gene & Peggy Hoffman.
Start planning for the June 2019 DE. Stay tuned for future updates.
Now bring on October. We will once again join 2 other Porsche Regions October 6 for our Annual Huber’s Drive. Later, on the same evening, Steve and Bernadette Doolin will be hosting their 4th Annual German Festival and bourbon tasting.
A reminder: Officer elections will occur in November.
Our October meeting will be Monday, October 8 at Martin’s Bar-B-Que. The meeting starts at 7pm. Officer nominations will be held.