December 2018 President’s Report

President’s Report December 2018

Jason Miller – KY Region President

The Holidays are here, and with them comes my last President’s Report, at least for now. As I wrap up my third 2-year term as President, I thank each and every one of you for making our club what it is. Holly, Grace, and I love our KYPCA family. The friendships we have created will last a lifetime and extend well beyond the cars. We have every intention of staying involved. Besides, who else is going to take all of those spectacular photos.

I want to personally thank each of my fellow officers, board members, and Presidential appointees for leading the club with enthusiasm and passion. From our first-class DE’s to the many exhilarating drives, we work hard to provide something for everyone.

2019 brings back a familiar face. Steve McCombs will step back into the Presidential role. Steve has worked tirelessly over the years to lead our club and I have no doubt he will continue to do so.

Our December meeting will be Monday, December 10 at Fiesta Time Amigos. The meeting starts at 7pm.

Mark your calendars and don’t forget to RSVP for the After Holiday Party Saturday, January 26, 2019. Look for your postcard invitation and e-mail notice soon.

Lastly, if you are not receiving club e-mails please send me your updated e-mail address.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,


[email protected]